Wonderful waterless hydration!

Have a quick look at your skincare products. I am betting you will see ‘aqua’ near the top of the list on most of them. This is just a ‘product’ way of saying water. By the way, ingredients have to be listed in order of volume so many products are just full of it.

I am guessing you use products to ‘add’ something to your skin and are looking for some good results – you can add water to your skin anytime! 

And the huge downside of adding water to products is that stabilisers, preservatives and emulsifiers are a must. The trouble with this is most of the additives aren’t unhelpful to the health of skin. Let’s break them down:

  • Otherwise known as surfactants, emulsifiers are there for the sole purpose of enabling water and oil to mix i.e. laundry liquid and washing up liquid contains surfactants to enable grease to mix with water and wash away grime.

    When you apply your skincare containing surfactants (any of them containing water ‘aqua’) the same happens to your skin, the result is washing your skin’s natural barrier away.

    Ironically, the products you use to hydrate your skin actually cause drying!

    Waterless hydration doesn’t need emulsifiers…

    The plant oils, butters and beeswax blend together beautifully without the need to force them together with chemicals. They are able to replace and lock in hydration and assisting the skin’s natural flora and sebum to stick around.

  • These are added because bacteria needs water to grow. Therefore, anything containing water will not last long so has to include an antimicrobial preservative to prevent harmful bacteria from growing.

    Many preservatives have been proven to be harmful to skin, others less so but all are designed to eradicate bacteria. We now know our bodies are colonised inside and out with good bacteria that is essential to our health. The bacteria eradicating preservatives are harsh and damage the skin’s natural balance and actually cause drying!

    Waterless hydration doesn’t need preservatives…

    Harmful bacteria will not grow without water so you will find no preservatives needed in natural skincare. Beeswax is naturally anti-bacterial and kind to skin and it allows the natural skin fauna to thrive.

  • These are needed because water is so watery! These are also non-beneficial to skin and are there to bulk and thicken. Some have a blocking effect on the skin and clogs pores. With all these fillers and bulkers, it leaves you wondering how much room is left for anything beneficial. And, guess what…..these can also cause drying!

    Waterless hydration doesn’t need thickening agents…

    They are concentrated goodness with no fillers packing it out. Just beneficial, skin loving plant oils, butters and beeswax. Beeswax seals the skin and locks in moisture but has the ability to let the skin breath.